Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Northern Ireland

Map Of Ireland And Northern Ireland

Beautiful Castle in Ireland

Divided Loyalties

  • The Protestant Regard themselves as British and want to remain part of UK.

  • They celebrated the battle of Boyne where the protestant king of England defeated the catholic ex king of England

  • The Catholics want to be part of the Republic of Ireland.

  • They remember the long struggle for home rule by the Irish against the British.

  • This meant that the two communities were proud of their own achievement and were not willing to compromise with the other party.

  • This brought about distrust and misunderstanding leading to conflict.

  • Education System

  • Protestant children attended government school while Catholics children attended private school.

  • Protestant children are taught British history and played British sports like hockey and rugby.

  • They are loyal to the British.

  • Catholic children are taught Irish history and played Irish sports like hurling.

  • They are loyal to Ireland.

  • There are privately run mixed schools but these are not popular.

  • As they study in different schools, children from these two communities do not get to meet each other.

  • This meant that they grew up with distrust and hatred for one another.

  • This make them hostile with one another, leading to conflict.

  • Employment

  • The Catholics ,although are academically qualified, were not able to get a job as easily as the Protestants.

  • There were fewer Catholics in the senior position in the public sectors.

  • The number of civil servant were not proportionate to the number in the country.

  • Catholics were rejected due to religion

  • Catholics felt that they were discriminated against.

  • This made them believe that the government is biased and only care for the Protestant.

  • Thus went against the government, leading to conflict.

  • Housing

  • City councils providing houses to the people consist largely of protestant.

  • Priority was given to the Protestant in the provision of houses.

  • In 1968, 71% of the house in Dungannon were given to the Protestant although 53% of the people were Catholics.

  • The Catholics were frustrated as they had to wait for a longer time to get their house

  • They thought that the government was biased and hated the government leading to conflict.

  • Voting

  • Each household was entitled 2 votes

  • Companies were entitled to more votes depending on their size.

  • Many big company was owned by the rich Protestant.

  • End up having more votes than the Catholics.

  • Since more Protestant get to vote, the Catholics were worried that more protestant would come to power.

  • The Catholics thought that the government was biased, leading to conflict.

  • Roles-
    Catholic People in Northern Ireland

  • Organized by the Civil Rights Movement in mid 1960s and early 1970s.

  • To demand for equal rights and to protect against unfair treatment of the Catholics.

  • Demands for basic rights like housing, jobs,education and voting.

  • 1972 civil rights march was faced with violent shooting by the British Army.

  • Faced violent response from the Protestant and the police.

  • IRA[Irish Republican Army]

  • Illegal Organization formed largely by Northern Irish Catholic.

  • Aim to use violence to drive the British Army out of Northern Ireland.

  • Responsible for deaths of 2/3 of the more than 3500 people killed through violence from 1969 to 1993

  • Protestant People in Northern Ireland.

  • Unhappy with the Civil Rights Movement by the Catholics

  • Responded to the movement violently.

  • Petrol-bombed Catholics' homes in the middle of the night, forcing Catholics to flee

  • Local Police did not do anything to stop the acts of Protestant

  • Police in Northern Ireland - Mainly Protestant.

  • Local Police DID NOTHING to stop the Protestants' Actions.

  • British Army - mainly protestant
  • Aug 1969: British Army units were send to Northern Ireland to help keep order

  • They were initially seen as protectors by the Catholics

  • Search Catholics' home and arrested suspects

  • Did not take action against Protestants

  • The Catholics lost faith in the British Army

  • 1972: shot at the peaceful civil right march.

  • killed 13 civilians and wounded many more.

  • know as bloody Sunday

  • Consequences-
    Innocent people affected

  • Many of the Catholics and Protestants were not directly involved in the conflict

  • They want to live their life as per normal.

  • However, with the conflict most of the people were affected were innocent people

  • People killed from 1969 to 1977 due to violence were not directly involved in the violence

  • People grew with prejudice
  • The Protestant and Catholics received a different education, each praising their own and condemning the deeds of the other

  • The violence in the country also mean that the two groups of people believe that

  • their own people were right

  • and the other party was responsible for the conflict in Northern Ireland

  • This led to growth of hatred and prejudice between the two group of people

  • With increased hostility, violence continued to rise

  • Economic Slow down
  • Prior to the conflict, many overseas companies invested in Northern Ireland

  • Tourists came to the country as the country was attractive and peaceful

  • Both foreign investment and tourism decline as people were

  • afraid for their safety and did not want to come to Northern Ireland

  • This reduce the revenue for Northern Ireland, leading to economic slowdown.
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