Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tropical Monsoon Forests

Tropical Monsoon Forests
  • They are found in the tropics
  • The place has high temperature [about 26° C] and rainfall[1500 mm per year]
  • These place also have distinct wet and dry season/
  • Example, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern China and Northern Australia.
  • Mainly between 10°  and 25°  N and S of the equator
  • Wet and dry season are caused by the monsoon winds.
Structure of Forest
  • This forest has only 3 layers.
  • Canopy,Understory ad Undergrowth.
- Trees here grow to 25 to 30m
- They are more spread out compared to Tropical Rainforest
- Epiphytes,creepers,vines and parastitic plants are found within this layer

- Tress grow up to about 15m

- Thick bushes and bamboos cover the forest floor.

Diversity And Density
  • There are few types of tress compared to Tropical Rainforest
  • It is less dense compare to tropical rainforest
  • Crown of trees do not interlock
  • and thus the undergrowth is able to grow,
  • Are Deciduous.
  • Meaning their leaves are shed during dry season
  • this to minimise water lost.
  • Leaves also have waxy surface to prevent growth of bateria during wet seasons.
  • Other plants such as bamboo plant minimise water lose by having narrow leaves.
Flower and fruits
  • Most of the tress bare fruits in the dry seasons
Barks and Branches
  • Thick and coarse
  • This protect the tree from the heat of dry season
  • As dry seasons are really dry, forest fire happen and the barks can protect it from the fire.
  • Branches are located at the middle as it do not need to fight for sunlight.
  • Tress here have long and deep roots
  • this is to tap water source from deep underground as water supply is not constant.

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