Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chemistry- Acids,Bases

[RAWR... don't like type chemistry... must type subscript and superscript]

  • Acids have pH value of less then 7

  • Natural acids are mile and not corrosive

  • Man-made acids are stronger.

  • Acids form H+ ions when dissolved in water

  • All Acid contain hydrogen

  • Example of typical Acid

  • H++(SO4)2- → H2SO4 → sulfuric acid

  • H++(NO3)- → HNO3 → nitric acid

  • H++(CO3)2- → H2CO3 → Carbonic Acid

  • H++(F,Cl,Br,I,At)-{Known as halides}→Name+ide Acid[Chloride Acid]

  • CH3COOH (vinegar)

  • Properties Of Acid
  • Sour

  • Dissolve in water to form solutions
  • Conduct electricity

  • Turn blue litmus paper red

  • Hydrogen ions are responsible for the acidic properties

  • Bases
  • Any metal plus oxide or hydroxide is a base[ metal + O or metal + (OH-)]

  • There is two types of Bases

  • Soluble and Insoluble.

  • Have A bitter Taste and soapy feel

  • Turn Red litmus paper blue

  • Hydroxide ions when dissolved in water

  • Soluble Base.[Alkali]

  • there are five types of Alkali

  • NaOH

  • KOH

  • Ca(OH)2

  • Ba(OH)2

  • NH3

  • Types of oxides
    1.Acidic Oxides
  • Non-metal oxides.

  • number of oxygen must be more than one

  • exist as gaseous state

  • DO NOT react with acid

  • react with alkalis

  • dissolve in water to form acid.

  • 2.Basic Oxides
  • Often solid

  • Insoluble in water

  • alkalis are soluble

  • React with acid to form salt & water

  • 3.Amphoteric Oxides [Aluminum, Zinc,Lead]
  • Metallic oxides that react with both acids and bases to form salt & Water

  • 4.Natural Oxides
  • non-metal formed oxides
  • neither basic or acidic
  • insoluble in water

  • pH scale

    click to enlarge.

    Importance Of pH scale
  • If the pH scale of the substance injected is different from your blood, you may die.
  • pH of soil affects the growth of plants
  • fishes also need different pH value of water

  • To control acidity, chemicals are added.
  • liming is done to soil which are acidic.
  • liming is the process of adding quick lime[calcium oxide] or slake lime [calcium hydroxide]

    I'll type salt another day cause salt got alot points....
    Preview :D
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