Friday, May 6, 2011


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Key Driving Forces

  • Transnational Corporations [TNCs]

  • -are large global firms that operate in a number of countries
    -have productions or services facilities outside the country of their origin
    -These worldwide corporations are coordinated and controlled by headquarters located in the country of origin.
    -Example Microsoft Corporation and Toyota motor.
    -As a result, the world becomes more interdependent and interconnected

  • Transportation

  • -Modern commercial jet aircraft ,large ocean going vessels, efficient and integrated transport infrastructure.
    -Example Airport , Railroads and highways
    -Increased the movement of goods and people from one place to another
    -As a result, improvement in transportation technology has shrunk the world
    -Considerably in terms of time taken to travel from a place to another
    -This allowed people,goods and activities to become interconnected more easily which leads to globalization

  • Communications

  • -Improvement in technology has made communications among people in different locations faster and more convenient
    -Example, People from across the globe can communicate easily by telephone, email, fax and video conferencing
    -Satellite technology has enable message to be transmitted from one location and receive in another part of the world almost instantly
    -As a result, communication among people in different locations becomes faster and more convenient.
    -This allowed people, their ideas and their activities in different parts of the world to become more interconnected which leads to globalization

    Impacts Of Globalization

    Economic Impact

    ↑ competition among nations

  • Government are competing with TNCs to invest in their countries

  • countries offer tax incentives, tax rebates and duty free trade to attract the TNCs

  • More TNCs shifted to China from Singapore ,Taiwan and Korea

  • With Globalisation, People are able to move from country to country .

  • People who are highly skilled in are in high demand.

  • Globalisation has presented the workforce with the opportunity to find employment in another country.

  • TNCs are searching for lowering cost of production

  • China has become an attractive country for foreign investors

  • poses a strong challenge to other countries in the region

  • therefore, through economic impact of globalization, there is an increased competition among nations for TNCs

  • ↑ in Standard of Living

  • With trade and foreign investment, it increases revenue.

  • with free trade, this also led to expansion of existing industries and establishment of new business

  • to meet the demand for goods and services

  • the population can enjoy better quality products and services

  • therefore higher standard of living.

  • With revenue earned, the government can spend on quality public goods

  • Free trade has also allowed consumers to purchase a variety of foreign goods beside local goods.

  • increase in lifestyle choices → better quality life

  • Therefore, through economic impact of globalization, the standard of living has improved

  • Widening income gap

  • DCs are experiencing rapid income growth

  • because they own most of the manufacturing activities

  • Many TNCs are from the DCs in North America and Western Europe

  • On the other hand, LDCs often face trade restrictions put up by DCs

  • They are not as capable of producing better quality good that fetch higher prices.

  • Globalization has not only resulted in rapid development in many countries

  • it has also contributed to the spread of poverty in many other countries

  • Therefore, through economic impact of globalization, it led to widening income gap between the rich and the poor.

  • Social Impact. [More , less local food]
    Increased awareness of foreign culture

  • People are exposed and are more aware of different culture

  • this is made possible through traveling,surfing the Internet and watching foreign movie from the comforts of their homes.

  • As Singapore has many foreign workers, they also brought along their cultures here

  • This is made possible through globalization

  • Many countries are more opened and people are well-travelled

  • Therefore through social impact of globalization, it led to increased awareness of foreign culture

  • Increased awareness of foreign culture

  • Globalization has resulted in global brands such as Starbucks and McDonald

  • Dominating the consumer market in DCs

  • These corporations with their standardized methods of operations have outlets that are identical in appearance

  • In this way, these corporations have created a homogeneous culture across the world and eroded the local culture

  • Many people are uncomfortable about the advancement of foreign culture

  • The loss of local culture poses a serious problem to the country

  • culture eroded is difficult to re-create

  • Therefore, through social impact of globalization, the local culture will be lost.

  • Environmental Impact
    I made a mistake in the mind map. Deforestation, Degradation and Global warming are all one point. sorry.
    Environmental Degradation

  • Rain forests in many countries have been cut down to make way for the development of industries, agriculture, housing and transportation.

  • Some governments allows trees to be cut down at a rapid rate as economic activities can generate revenue for the country

  • such as forestry, mining and cattle ranching.

  • The clearing of forest has resulted in many environmental problems

  • such as soil erosion, extinction of fauna , increasing in flooding as well as haze.

  • The haze arises out of the practice of clearing the forest through burning

  • it is done as it is the cheapest and fastest way to clear a forest

  • ↑ in haze, ↓ in number of tourist, ↓ in revenue

  • Another Example is the Three Gorges Project in China.

  • Launched in 1994, to build a dam across Yangtze River to generate electricity and ensure flood control

  • With China's rapid industrial development, the dam will be an important source of energy for the country's growing electrical consumption.

  • However, The Project has created problems such as erosion,extinction of flora and fauna and water pollution

  • Environmental degradation poses a serious problem to the countries concerned as well as to the rest of the world.

  • Globalization has also worsened environmental problems such as global warming

  • Therefore through environmental impact of globalization, it led to environmental degradation

  • Environmental Management

  • Although Globalization has brought about an increase in environmental degradation,

  • it has also brought about an increased awareness of environmental management.

  • The amount of energy required by a globalizing world is enormous

  • We need to sustain supply of power through conservation

  • However conservation alone cannot meet the challenges of supplying the vast quantities of energy needed for development.

  • Alternative energy sources such as wind,solar and geothermal power can provide some of the energy needed.

  • Countries are aware that sustainable development is the key to further growth.

  • When resources are well preserved, future generations can continue to us to generate income.

  • Therefore through environmental impact of Globalization, it led to increase in awareness of environmental management.

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