Thursday, January 27, 2011

Types of natural vegetation

Tropical rainforest
- Found in places that experience a tropical equatorial climate.
- 10° N and S of equator
- Experience High temperature [27°C]
- High Rainfall [1500 millimeters.]

Found in?

- Amazon Basin of South America
- Congo Basin of Africa
- South-east Asia

Emergent layer- 30m to 50m
-Crown appears above canopy layer
-Have thick, straight, tall trunks

Canopy Layer- 15m to 30m
- Wide, shallow and umbrella shaped crowns
- Continuous leaf cover
- Prevent sunlight form penetrating into the lower layers of the forest

Understory Layer - [6m to 15m]
- Oval-shaped crowns.
- Grow in gaps which allow sunlight to got through
- Trees usually grow into the canopy layer or emergent layer after many years

Shrub Layer [5m to 6m]
- Tree saplings and woody are found here.
- May grow up to 6m

Undergrowth Layer [0m to 5m]
- Made up of grass, mosses, fungi.
- Not much growth due to lack of sunlight

Special Plants found:

e.g bird's nest fern , orchids.
Grow on other plants for support.

Thick woody vines that wind around trees to get sunlight

Parasitic Plant:
kill hosting tree to get nutrients and sunlight
e.g. strangling fig

Characteristic Of the forest

Diversity of plant species:

- Largest diversity of plants
- more than 750 species of tree
- More than 1500 species of plants
- eg Keruing, kapur,chengal and meranti
- extremely dense
- Plants grow very closely with one another
- Due to high rainfall and temperature


- Are evergreen
- Are large and board
∟Maximize the surface area for photosynthesis
-Have waxy surface and drip tips.
∟allow water to drip off.
∟prevent harmful bacteria from growing on the leaf

Flowers And fruit

ignore my ugly drawing and spelling error...

- Are colorful and sweet smelling
- has to attract insects to do pollination

Barks and branches.
- Thin and smooth barks.
∟ No need for protection against harsh weathers
∟ Smooth so that water run of easily
∟bacteria would not grow on it
- Have branches on the top 1/3 portion of the trunk
∟To get as much sunlight as possible

∟do not need to reach deep
∟minerals are found on the ground
-Tall trees have buttress roots
∟ to support weight of the trees.

Jiayou!!! :D