Sunday, October 23, 2011


I know right!!! Today is the O level English paper. Actually, no. It's in like 6 hours ! So yeah FORMATS FORMATS!!!!


Today's date


Dear ladies and gentlemen (or whatever audience)

7 paragraphs

Full Name

Formal Letter

Sender's company name
and address
Date( no need the th)
Recipient's name
job title
company name
Dear XX

Leave a line for every new paragraph

Yours sincerely,
sender's name
sender's title

Informal Letter 
Sender's Address




Yours Sincerely




Recipient Address



pamphlet [notsure]



contact number

Tropical Monsoon Forests

Tropical Monsoon Forests
  • They are found in the tropics
  • The place has high temperature [about 26° C] and rainfall[1500 mm per year]
  • These place also have distinct wet and dry season/
  • Example, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Southern China and Northern Australia.
  • Mainly between 10°  and 25°  N and S of the equator
  • Wet and dry season are caused by the monsoon winds.
Structure of Forest
  • This forest has only 3 layers.
  • Canopy,Understory ad Undergrowth.
- Trees here grow to 25 to 30m
- They are more spread out compared to Tropical Rainforest
- Epiphytes,creepers,vines and parastitic plants are found within this layer

- Tress grow up to about 15m

- Thick bushes and bamboos cover the forest floor.

Diversity And Density
  • There are few types of tress compared to Tropical Rainforest
  • It is less dense compare to tropical rainforest
  • Crown of trees do not interlock
  • and thus the undergrowth is able to grow,
  • Are Deciduous.
  • Meaning their leaves are shed during dry season
  • this to minimise water lost.
  • Leaves also have waxy surface to prevent growth of bateria during wet seasons.
  • Other plants such as bamboo plant minimise water lose by having narrow leaves.
Flower and fruits
  • Most of the tress bare fruits in the dry seasons
Barks and Branches
  • Thick and coarse
  • This protect the tree from the heat of dry season
  • As dry seasons are really dry, forest fire happen and the barks can protect it from the fire.
  • Branches are located at the middle as it do not need to fight for sunlight.
  • Tress here have long and deep roots
  • this is to tap water source from deep underground as water supply is not constant.

Some english phrase you can use for your essay ! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Governance- Traffic flow, Population growth, Ageing population

Governance: Revision Check-list

Principle [clickable]
Leadership is key
Reward for work, work for reward
A stake for everyone, Opportunity
Anticipating change and staying relevant

Traffic Flow
Vehicle Quota System
Electronic Road Pricing
Area Licensing Scheme
Park and Ride

Reasons to promote population growth
Declining birth rate
Unattractive to multinational companies
Ageing Population

Solution to promote population growth
The Graduate mothers scheme
Three or more if you can afford it
Pro-families measure
Attracting foreign talent

Ageing population
Individual responsibility
Family responsibility
Government responsibility
Community responsibility

Reasons to promote population growth
Declining Birth Rate from 1980s

By 1980s, the fertility rate hit 1.82 children per women.

This showed that the family planning policy worked.

Other factors such as increasing costs of living and people marrying later

also contributed to the declining birth rate

However, during this period, there were more jobs created in the industries

and a larger workforce is needed to sustain the nation's development.

With the number of babied born falling below replacement value,

there was a need to re-examine the policy because of the potential problems a small popular would pose.
Unattractive to multinational companies

With a smaller population, Singapore would not be able to produce enough talented people to sustain its development.

Multinational corporations [MNCs] would find it difficult and perhaps more expensive to recruit Singaporeans

compared to the huge labour market in countries such as china.

Singapore would also be less attractive because of its smaller consumer market
Ageing Population

With fewer babies born each year, there would be fewer young people in the population.

The older people would be proportionately larger.

This means the country would be faced with an ageing population.

More resources would have to be used to take care of the increasing number of senior citizens.

With a declining birth rate, there would be fewer men to recruit for national service.

This would weaken Singapore's defence force.

Promote Population Growth

The graduate mothers scheme

Based on research, it was felt that the education level of the parents

had a direct impact on the performance of their children in school.

In 1984, The graduate mother scheme was introduced

to encourage marriages among graduates and to encourage graduates to have more children.

The less educated were unhappy as they felt that they would be neglected under the policy.

As a result of the negative public reaction, the scheme was withdrawn after one year of implementation in 1985.

Three or more if you can afford it

Instead of discouraging large families,

parents were encouraged to have three children or more if they could afford.

As much as there was a need to raise the birth rate,

the government adopted a cautious approach

and wanted Singaporeans to have more children only if they can afford it.

This is because, if too many babies were born during the period, esp during recession,

serious social problems might arise as families might not be able to cope financially.

To help relieve the financial burden of having children,

the government introduced measures such as

allowing the use of medisave to pay for the delivery charges of the first three children.

However, there were people who felt the assistance was not enough to promote population growth.

Despite the publicity campaigns on the joy of parenthood.

Many married couples continue to have one or two children

A sizeable number of Singaporeans continue to marry at a later age or remain unmarried.

Pro-families Measure

The government came up with measures to encourage population growth

For example, Equalised medical benefits,grandparents caregiver relief, 5-day work week for the civil service and extended maternity leave

Previously, only fathers could make medical claims for their children from their employers.

now mothers could also make medical claims from their employers.

Income tax relief of $3000 is given if grandparents is helping the couple take care of their child.

5-day work week is given to civil servant to allow a better work-life balance.

Parent can use this time to spend time with kids.

Mothers now have12 week of rest after giving birth, it used to be 8 weeks.
Attracting Foreign talent

While Singaporeans waits for its pro-families measures to show positive results,

There is a need to enhance its competitiveness by brining in talent from other countries

In 1989, the government relaxed the immigration policy to attract foreign talent.

Easier entry into Singapore, subsidised housing and

an attractive education package for children were offered to foreign talent who were willing to work in Singapore.

The government hoped that some of these individual would develop an attachment to the nation

and take up permanent residence or citizenship

Preparing For an ageing population

Many helping hand scheme

Everyone has a part to play in helping the nation prepare for an ageing population.

The individual, family, community and the government.

Individual Responsibility

Individuals are encouraged to have a healthy lifestyle by watching his diet and exercising regularly

Financial planing are encouraged to be planned early

and by financially prepared for life in their old age.

Family Support

Strong and stable families bring about social stability and harmony

Family is the main source of emotional, social and financial support.

Senior citizen week is held annually in November to encourage elderly to stay active in the family and community

It also promotes a positive attitude towards ageing and the aged

and reminds everyone of their roles in creating an environment that is socially conducive

Grandparents day is celebrated in November.

It brings families together to show their appreciation for elderly

Community help

Play an important role in enhancing the well-being of senior citizen

gives emotional and social support to the senior citizen

Provides healthcare and social service

Government provides subsidises to voluntary welfare organisation

such organisation involve member of the community

for example, housewife, students and retires to help look after the needs of senior citizens.

These organisation offer free health checks and organise recreation activities for senior

to help senior citizens remain physically,mentally and socially active.

Government Support

Parents could get help from the court for financial support if

the children are capable to support them but are not doing so and

parents must be incapable of supporting themselves financially and

are over the age of 60

First-time buyers of government flats can get a housing grant if

they buy a flat in the area where their parent live.

Taxpayers can claim an income tax deduction for

Taking care of elderly parents, grand-parents,great-grandparents.

or contributing to their own or their elderly dependant’s CPF retirement accounts

or grand-parents taking care of grandchildren or children while both parents were at work.

A central provident funds [CPF] is set up by the government to help senior citizens.

A special account is set up for retirement, emergency and investment purpose.

Money are also used for medical expenses.

An ordinary account is set up too,

CPF members can withdraw their savings on the age of 55 years

A amount of money must be left for retirement

CPF member will receive a monthly sum fro their retirement account when they reach the age of 62

This is to ensure that senior citizens will still have some money for their old age

Remember to add in your own explaination to link back to the question !

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Physics Formula List

Force = Mass × Acceleration

Weight = Mass × Gravity

Moment = Force × Distance

 EK = ½ mv2

Ep= mgh

Workdone = Force × Distance

Period = 1 ÷ frequency
Wave Speed = Frequency × wavelength
Charge = Electric current[I] × Time

Potential Difference [V] = IR

Power = IV
Energy = Power × Time

These are the formula, Please read up on the theory. :D